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17 jun 2023, 14:51 Domestic Partnership V Marriage In California: Difference visibility:

While California law recognizes domestic partners and married couples as couples in a valid relationship, the rights accorded to each differ in a few areas. While the state laws recognize both in equal light, federal rules of taxation and inheritance vary for married couples and domestic partners.

Here's everything you need to know about Domestic Partnership V Marriage In California: What's The Difference?

What is Domestic Partnership?

A domestic partnership is when two individuals reside together without being married. In California, the rights given to married couples are the same as domestic partners. However, federal income tax laws apply differently to married couples than to domestic partners.

Key Differences Between Marriage and Domestic Partnership

Though rights are provided in both these forms of companionship, they slightly differ for domestic partners. Married couples can transfer assets between them tax-free, while domestic partners cannot.

More importantly, a domestic partnership registered in California may not be recognized in another state. For instance, domestic partnership isn't recognized by federal laws.

So, the key differences between the two are:

● Domestic partners have to pay taxes for any health insurance benefits they receive

● Transfer of property or assets is also taxable between domestic partners

● Domestic partners aren't entitled to social security benefits or pension of the other

● A non-citizen partner cannot be petitioned, unlike in marriage.

Contact Us

If you want to know more about the rights and limitations of domestic partnership v marriage, contact us today and speak to one of our experienced family law attorneys. Call (714) 733-7066 for a free case evaluation.

Tags: ChildCustody, ChildcustodyLawyer, ChildCustodyAttorney, ChildCustodyAttorneyLawOrange,
17 jun 2023, 14:48 Top Costa Mesa Domestic Violence Attorney Can Help Restore the Peace In Your Family visibility:

Domestic violence(D.V.) is an epidemic that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and genders. Unfortunately, Orange County is no exception. In fact, Orange County is among the highest-ranking counties in California for reported domestic violence cases.

Domestic violence is not a one-time occurrence, but rather a pattern of abusive behavior that typically follows a predictable cycle. Known as the "cycle of abuse," this pattern often starts with a tension-building phase, where the abuser becomes increasingly agitated, angry, and controlling.

During this phase, the victim may actually try to calm the abuser in hopes of avoiding a violent outburst. The tension-building phase is followed by an acute explosion of violence, which can include physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. This is the most dangerous phase, and victims are at a high risk of injury/death.

During this phase, the abuser often feels a sense of power and control, and may justify their behavior by blaming the victim or minimizing the harm caused. After the acute phase, the abuser typically enters a period of contrition, known as the honeymoon phase. During this phase, the abuser may apologize profusely, promise to change, or shower the victim with gifts and affection.

The victim may feel relieved or hopeful that the abuse has ended and may believe that the abuser is genuinely remorseful. However, the honeymoon phase is usually short-lived and often followed by a return to tension-building.

This cycle can continue for years, and victims often feel trapped and unable to leave their abusive partners. Understanding the cycle of abuse is crucial for both victims and their loved ones, as it can truly help them recognize the warning signs & take proactive steps to escape an abusive relationship.

At Jos Family Law, we understand the complex and sensitive nature of domestic violence cases. Our experienced team of accomplished lawyers is dedicated to providing compassionate & effective legal representation for those impacted by domestic violence in O.C.

We genuinely strive to provide personalized attention to each case & work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. We are truly committed to protecting your rights and ensuring your safety. Contact our top domestic violence attorney Costa Mesa today to schedule a consultation & discuss your legal options.

Tags: ChildCustody, ChildcustodyLawyer, ChildCustodyAttorney, ChildCustodyAttorneyLawOrange, ChildSupportAttorney,
17 jun 2023, 14:15 Understanding The Impact Of Domestic Violence In Cypress, O.C. visibility:

Domestic violence is a serious issue in Cypress, Orange County across the United States. It is a crucial issue that can affect all genders, ages, ethnicities, socio-economic classes. It is essential vital to understand the impact of domestic violence on individuals, families, communities in order to address the problem and help those affected.

Domestic violence(DV) refers to any form of physical, emotional, sexual, or psychological abuse inflicted by one partner in an intimate relationship by the other partner. It is often characterized by an ongoing pattern of controlling behavior, with the goal of intimidating, isolating dominating the victim. DV can happen in any type of intimate relationship, including marriage, dating relationships, or within the family.

The behavior that constitutes domestic violence can vary from situation to situation, but common examples include hitting, slapping, shoving, or kicking the victim, or using verbal abuse such as insults, threats, or intimidation to maintain control. Sexual abuse and financial abuse are also forms of DV

It is crucial to recognize that D.V. is never the fault of the victim. Moreover, help is available for those who are actually experiencing it. By speaking out against domestic violence and offering genuine support to those who need it, we can work towards ending this destructive behavior in Orange County and beyond.

At Jos Family Law, we understand the complex and sensitive nature of domestic violence cases. Our experienced team of accomplished lawyers is dedicated to providing compassionate effective legal representation for those impacted by domestic violence in O.C.

We genuinely strive to provide personalized attention to each case work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. We are truly committed to protecting your rights and ensuring your safety. Contact our top domestic violence attorney Cypress today to schedule a consultation discuss your legal options.

Tags: ChildCustody, ChildcustodyLawyer, ChildCustodyAttorney, ChildCustodyAttorneyLawOrange, ChildSupportAttorney,
17 jun 2023, 14:09 Don't Go Through Domestic Violence Alone - Call The Experts Today! visibility:

Domestic violence(DV) affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, and unfortunately, Orange County is no exception. In Orange County, the effects of domestic violence are far-reaching and often devastating, leaving lasting scars on individuals, families, and entire communities.

It is crucial essential to be able to identify warning signs of domestic abuse so that you/loved one can seek help as soon as possible. Below are some common yet vital signs that may indicate an abusive relationship:

1. Physical Abuse - This is the most visible form of abuse. It includes hitting, punching, slapping, or pushing. Bruises, broken bones, and other injuries are often the result of physical abuse.

2. Emotional Abuse - Emotional abuse is often difficult to recognize because it is not physical. It includes name-calling, put-downs, belittling, and isolating the victim from friends and family. The abuser may also threaten the victim, control their finances, or constantly monitor their activities.

3. Sexual Abuse - Sexual abuse involves unwanted sexual contact or pressure to engage in sexual activities against one's will. The abuser may use physical force, threats, or emotional manipulation to coerce the victim.

4. Financial Abuse - This type of abuse involves the abuser controlling the victim's finances. This includes restricting access to money, stealing from the victim, or forcing them to sign over assets or take on debt.

It is important to remember that these warning signs may not always be apparent at the beginning of a relationship. If you/someone you know is experiencing any form of domestic abuse, seek help immediately.

At Jos Family Law, we understand the complex and sensitive nature of domestic violence cases. Our experienced team of accomplished lawyers is dedicated to providing compassionate effective legal representation for those impacted by domestic violence in OC

We genuinely strive to provide personalized attention to each case work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. We are truly committed to protecting your rights and ensuring your safety. Contact our top domestic violence attorney Aliso Viejo today to schedule a consultation discuss your legal options.

Tags: ChildCustody, ChildcustodyLawyer, ChildCustodyAttorney, ChildCustodyAttorneyLawOrange, ChildSupportAttorney,
17 jun 2023, 14:05 Putting An End To Domestic Violence - Desired Solutions With Top Santa Margarita D.V. Attorney visibility:

Leaving an abusive relationship can be a truly difficult complex process, but it is crucial for your safety and well-being. Here are some essential vital steps you can take to escape an abusive relationship in Orange County:

1. Create a Safety Plan: A safety plan involves developing a strategy for leaving safely. This includes identifying safe places to go, important documents to take, and who to contact in case of an emergency.

2. Reach Out to a Trusted Support System: It is critical essential to have people who can offer you emotional support and guidance during this difficult time. This can include family, friends, a therapist, or a support group.

3. Obtain a Restraining Order: A restraining order can legally prevent your abuser from coming near you or contacting you. This can be obtained through the court system in Orange County.

4. Seek Legal Assistance: Our law firm specializes in domestic violence cases and can provide legal support and guidance during the process of leaving an abusive relationship.

5. Leave as Soon as Possible: Once you have developed a safety plan and gathered support, it is important to leave asap. This can involve calling the police or going to a domestic violence shelter.

Leaving an abusive relationship can be a really scary overwhelming process, but you honestly do not have to do it alone. There are resources available in Orange County to help you leave safely and rebuild your life.

At Jos Family Law, we understand the complex and sensitive nature of domestic violence cases. Our experienced team of accomplished lawyers is dedicated to providing compassionate effective legal representation for those impacted by domestic violence in O.C.

We genuinely strive to provide personalized attention to each case work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. We are truly committed to protecting your rights and ensuring your safety. Contact our top domestic violence attorney Santa Margaritatoday to schedule a consultation discuss your legal options.

Tags: ChildCustody, ChildcustodyLawyer, ChildCustodyAttorney, ChildCustodyAttorneyLawOrange, ChildSupportAttorney,
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