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Top Costa Mesa Domestic Violence Attorney Can Help Restore the Peace In Your Family

josfamily law
(Australia, Alice Springs)
17 jun 2023, 14:48

Domestic violence(D.V.) is an epidemic that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and genders. Unfortunately, Orange County is no exception. In fact, Orange County is among the highest-ranking counties in California for reported domestic violence cases.

Domestic violence is not a one-time occurrence, but rather a pattern of abusive behavior that typically follows a predictable cycle. Known as the "cycle of abuse," this pattern often starts with a tension-building phase, where the abuser becomes increasingly agitated, angry, and controlling.

During this phase, the victim may actually try to calm the abuser in hopes of avoiding a violent outburst. The tension-building phase is followed by an acute explosion of violence, which can include physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. This is the most dangerous phase, and victims are at a high risk of injury/death.

During this phase, the abuser often feels a sense of power and control, and may justify their behavior by blaming the victim or minimizing the harm caused. After the acute phase, the abuser typically enters a period of contrition, known as the honeymoon phase. During this phase, the abuser may apologize profusely, promise to change, or shower the victim with gifts and affection.

The victim may feel relieved or hopeful that the abuse has ended and may believe that the abuser is genuinely remorseful. However, the honeymoon phase is usually short-lived and often followed by a return to tension-building.

This cycle can continue for years, and victims often feel trapped and unable to leave their abusive partners. Understanding the cycle of abuse is crucial for both victims and their loved ones, as it can truly help them recognize the warning signs & take proactive steps to escape an abusive relationship.

At Jos Family Law, we understand the complex and sensitive nature of domestic violence cases. Our experienced team of accomplished lawyers is dedicated to providing compassionate & effective legal representation for those impacted by domestic violence in O.C.

We genuinely strive to provide personalized attention to each case & work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. We are truly committed to protecting your rights and ensuring your safety. Contact our top domestic violence attorney Costa Mesa today to schedule a consultation & discuss your legal options.

Tags: ChildCustody, ChildcustodyLawyer, ChildCustodyAttorney, ChildCustodyAttorneyLawOrange, ChildSupportAttorney,

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