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Musicians to Orchestra 1813

General Rules AND Regulations Auditions
As.Li.Co. (Associazione Lirica e Concertistica Italiana) announces auditions to complete Orchestra 1813 employed in its musical activities. High professional standards and good aptitudes for working in an orchestra are required. Winners will be involved in As.Li.Co. musical activities, particularly in the productions within Opera domani and Pocket Opera projects, as well as in the musical season sponsored by Teatro Sociale di Como and the summer Festival Como Citt? della Musica.

Musicians will be auditioned for the following positions:
Principal First Violin (+ compulsory section)
Principal Cello (+ compulsory section)
Principal flute (+compulsory piccolo)
Principal clarinet

Applicants must:
- be born by January 1st, 1992
- be European Union citizens or, if not, to hold a visa permit allowing him a lawful employment in Italy at least 30 days before the beginning of the contract, that will be otherwise cancelled.
- have an Italian music diploma or equivalent foreign degree for the instrument the applicant is auditioning for.
- be in possession of the instrument/s the applicant is auditioning for.
The Panel of Judges will select for the auditions the candidates on the basis of their professional r?sum? sent together with the application form.

Panel OF Judges
The Panel of Judges will be comprised of at least one representative from As.Li.Co. Artistic Board and music experts that As.Li.Co. will nominate. All decisions of the Panel of Judges are final and incontestable.

The Panel of Judges reserves its right to listen in full or in part the programme for the auditions consisting of:
- 15 minutes music of the candidate own choice, including the first movement of a solo concerto or sonata
- three orchestral excerpts
- sight-reading from standard repertoire chosen by the Panel of Judges
- the audition will be followed by a short interview with the Panel of Judges.
The programme for the audition of Principal First Violin consists of:
- 15 minutes music of the candidate own choice, including the first and second movement of a solo concerto by Mozart (K 216, K218, K219)
- three orchestral excerpt, among which Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis is compulsory
- sight-reading from standard repertoire chosen by the Panel of Judges
- the audition will be followed by a short interview with the Panel of Judges.

Artistic Activity
Winners will be engaged for a seven-months ongoing contract, from November 2009 to June 2010. Selected musicians should guarantee an exclusive engagement, providing not to play in other orchestras or musical institutions. They should respect the Orchestra Rules and Regulations, as well as the calendar of all productions, that will be published at least 30 days before the beginning of their contract. All eligible candidates will be inserted in a list, from which As.Li.Co. will draw musicians for its activities. The eligible candidate who consecutively renounces to three productions,
looses the right to be involved again.

Auditions will be held in Como, at Teatro Sociale as follows:
- 19 September 2009: cello
- 2 October 2009: violin
- 11 October 2009: flute and clarinet

Candidates will be summoned by five days before the date of auditions. Travel and accommodation expenses associated with auditions are not reimbursed by As.Li.Co. Application Form must be completed in full and sent by post, fax or e-mail. It must be supported by the following documentation:
- copy of Identity card or passport valid for expatriation
- detailed professional r?sum? describing studies and artistic activities
Candidates needing an accompanist should require it in the application form. They should also send the piano score at least 15 days before the audition. When applying for the audition, candidates must guarantee complete availability for the period between November 2009 and June 2010.

The application form with all supporting materials must be postmarked by September 1st, 2009 (cello selection) and by September 15th (violin, flute and clarinet selection) to the following address:
Via V. Bellini, 3 - 22100 Como
Tel +39.031.270171
Fax +39.031.271472
e-mail: 1813@aslico.org

Category: job for musicians
Instruments: cello, clarinet, flute, violin
Speciality: performer
Rinat Kaleev
10 aug 2009
Russia, Moscow

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